Sunday, April 1, 2012

Game Day Reminder

This Tuesday, April 3rd is our second Stevens Game Day! It is a WOW event and is a way to give all students who have not received any level two forms a reward for following the five Stevens expectations all the time. Electronic games are able to be brought in, but once again we are not responsible for any missing or lost items from this day!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pink Slips!

Please make sure to fill out and sign your child's pink spring conference form ASAP.
Conferences start Tuesday, April 2nd and go through till Thursday, April 4th. I look forward to seeing all of you!

PIzza, Dancing, Kickball, and Fun!

Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 were treated to an end of the PSSA testing with a fun afternoon of celebrating.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Could you catch a Leprechaun??

Last week we did some creative writing where students where asked if they thought they could catch a leprechaun?? They had to come up with a way in which they would catch one and what they would do with the gold once they had it. Take a look!

Last Testing Day

Students did a great job last week with testing. Tomorrow is the last day until the writing test in April. Get your rest!!!